Tuesday, January 17, 2012

0 How to Remove Write Protected Error from USB Drive or PenDrive

One of our readers has asked for this solution and hence as the post title says we will be trying to fix a very common error faced by many USB Drive users. This post includes four different solution sets for removing the write protection error for USB drives or simply pendrives.Primary ChecksPrior to fixing your error, you need to do some basic checks 1. Make sure the write-protection latch of your drive (if it has any) is turned off.2. If you are using an updated antivirus, try scanning the drive for viruses. SolutionsThere are many solutions to this problem and actually every one of them may have worked for some users but may not work for...

Monday, January 16, 2012

2 How To Set Up Google Adsense In Your Website / Blog

Google AdSense By becoming a publisher on Google AdSense, you make your website available to the largest pool of advertisers on the planet.Google will gather data on your website and contextually display advertisements from a pool of thousands of possible advertisers. To sign up for Google AdSense, follow these steps. Step 1: Preparing to Register In order to sign up for Google AdSense, you first need to have a website. The website should be well designed and have plenty of original content. You only need to sign up once for AdSense. Once you have an AdSense account, you can use it for any and all websites you own. However, in order...

1 Hi-Fi or Hi-Tech: Mobile Phone Comparisons iPhone 4S. Nokia Lumia, Samsung Galaxy S2

You are in a rural town or a suburb in India. You see a person pull out an iPhone,at first you think, ‘cool’, technology is spreading pretty far. Then if you know the person you ask them to see their phone to see what they have on there. Sadly, their iPhone retains the bare minimum: a camera app, the address book, and maybe a stray game or two. For a phone built on a ‘premise’ of having the greatest, largest app store, apps are not always present in a multitude on the mobiles.So today, will occur a comparision of some of the flagship models of different major companies: 1. Iphone 4GS 2. Nokia Lumia 800 3. Samsung Galaxy S2:     ...

Friday, January 13, 2012

0 Nokia Unveils Lumia 900 at CES 2012: Everything You Need To Know

Remember Nokia struck a deal with Microsoft last year, which some thought of a life saver for Nokia and others didn’t bother much about it? Well whatever side are you on, I think Nokia did some pretty cool things with its Lumia Series. Not only it is getting back in market, it increased the number of WP7 fans as well (including me). Today I am going to introduce you to Nokia’s new addition to Lumia series i.e. Nokia Lumia 900, after reviewing it I think it’s a beauty and specs wise it’s all about speed! This could be the much awaited phone that all WP7 fans were waiting for.. Specifications: Nokia packed its new Lumia breed with single-core...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

0 4 Things To Do Immediately When Your Facebook Account Is Hacked

For most people, having their Facebook account hacked is a nightmare. Imagine if someone had access to all your private messages, could contact your friends, abuse your Facebook page, and delete your personal information. To avoid this, you should regularly update your password and keep other security settings tight.Once it’s too late, however, you must act fast. The most important thing is – don’t panic! You canregain access to your account. How Do You Know Your Facebook Account Was Hacked? First of all, how do you know your Facebook account was hacked if nothing obvious was changed…yet? If a hacker managed to get into your account, they...

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