Wednesday, March 7, 2012

8 Hide your IP easy from anonymous users

Hide IP Easy enables you to hide your real IP with a fake one, surf anonymously, prevent hackers from monitoring your activity, and provide full encryption of your online activity, all with the click of a button. Anonymous Surfing With Hide IP Easy: Keeping your privacy is simple and easy. Use Hide IP Easy to keep your IP address hidden, ensure your privacy, provide full encryption of your online activity, and protect your identity and other personal information against hackers, all with a simple click of Hide IP button. With Hide IP Easy, you can send anonymous emails, un-ban yourself from forums, Blogs, etc. Your identity is secure, protected,...

Sunday, March 4, 2012

2 How Biggest websites looked at their launch

Click on the images for Large Preview > ...

0 Apple V/S Android the cold war

[Click on the images for Large Preview] ...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

0 First Social Network app “Renren” Released for Windows 8

Its been a couple of days for the Windows 8 consumer preview release and the Windows Store which features Metro apps which run on Windows 8 Consumer Preview.We have been seeing some quality apps making their way to the Windows Store, with the likes of Photobucket and Kobo reader apps and some Metro based gaming titles featuring in the Windows Store upfront.But there wasn’t any social networking app for taking for the Consumer Preview users,Until now.The first Social Networking app to make it to the Windows Store is “Renren HD” app from the Chinese Social Networking Site Renren,.Renren HD is designed to be fully-integrated with Windows 8, a...

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